You’ve reached the webpage of Bri
Tech Guy, known “in real life” as Brian Vogel. If you want
specifics on what I can help you with, click the computers/electronics
or assistive
technology links in the navigation bar to the left. I
pride myself on being a "tech geek" who can make you more
comfortable with and knowledgable about the computers or other
electronics you use. I offer personalized computer technical
support and repair services and want you to understand what I'm
doing (if that interests you, that is). I also offer private
tutoring and can advise you when you want to purchase a new
Tech Guy was born from my years of professional experience
and from helping friends and acquaintances solve problems with
computers and myriad other electronic devices.
Many issues occur due to something specific about the way computers
and other electronic devices are set up where they're being used.
Because of this, I've learned having someone bring them to me is
frequently not the best
way to work out technology problems. Often what's making you want
to tear your hair out is the result of a formerly perfect setup that
now requires some changes. This is why I prefer to help at your
home or office when that's possible. I do this at times that suit your schedule - evenings and
weekends are available
My business is a “one man show” and I intend to keep it that way.
You always get my personal attention.
Bri the Tech Guy is a "Family Friendly" business